Markets and Trade

Committee on Commodity Problems

Intergovernmental Group on Tea
(19th Session)

Nairobi, Kenya, 29 November - 1 December 2006

List of Documents

List of DocumentsDownload
 Provisional Agenda and Agenda Notes
CCP:TE 06/2Current market situation and medium term outlook
CCP:TE 06/4Traceability, supply chains and smallholders: case-studies from India and Indonesia
CCP:TE 06/5Policy developments in the world tea market: economic impact of MRLs and ISO 3720 quality standard
CCP:TE 06/6Statement of priorities for the Intergovernmental Group on Tea
CCP:TE 06/7Developments on the International Tea Mark
CCP:TE 06/8Report of the Working Group on MRLs
CCP: TE 06/INF - Series  
CCP:TE 06/Inf.1Information note on arrangements
CCP: 07/5Report of the 17th Session of the IGG on Tea (Nairobi, Kenya, 29 November - 1 December 2006)