The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Trade Expert Network in Europe and Central Asia
Hybrid Event, 27/10/2020 - 28/10/2020
International and national experts working on agricultural trade, representatives of research institutes and analytical centers of Eastern Europe and Central Asia attended the meeting. Participants discussed changes in agricultural trade and national policies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the most effective measures in the crisis to support agricultural producers and consumers and agrifood exporters. One of the session was dedicated to multilateral and regional trade agreements, their impact on agrifood trade and challenges to the multilateral trading system, in which main speakers were Senior Counsellor, the World Trade Organization, explaining the WTO actions in response to the COVID-19 crisis, and the Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Policy, the Eurasian Economic Commission, making a presentation on the EAEU common policy aimed to create the single market within the Union.
Another session was dedicated to innovative technologies in the agricultural sector, and presentations were made on the new stage of technological development "AgroTech 4.0" and on global trends in digital technologies in retail and food supply chains, as the transition to a new technological stage is becoming critically important in ensuring competitiveness and further development of the agricultural sector of the countries.