About the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP)
The FAO Council's standing committee, known as the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP), reviews global issues impacting the production, trade, distribution, and consumption of agricultural products. The CCP prepares a factual and interpretive survey of the world commodity economy, identifies specific commodity problems, and proposes international mitigation actions. The Markets and Trade Division (EST) serves as the Secretariat to the CCP and its subsidiary Intergovernmental Commodity Groups (IGGs), which report to the CCP.
As a FAO Governing Body, the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) tracks agricultural commodity markets, deliberates key issues, debates their effects on food security, and makes policy recommendations.
More on the CCP
The Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) is comprised of 101 FAO Members, plus observers. Established in 1949, it is FAO's oldest technical committee. The CCP normally meets once every two years or upon Members' request.
The CCP’s goals are:
To continuously review commodity problems that impact production, trade, distribution, consumption, and related economic matters.
To prepare a factual and interpretative survey of the world commodity situation for Members.
To report and submit suggestions to the FAO Council on policy issues arising out of its deliberations, mainly regarding Members.
Subsidiary Intergovernmental Groups
The Subsidiary Intergovernmental Groups (IGGs) of the CCP focus on trade issues for individual commodities. This focus reflects changing market and institutional factors affecting commodities, from distribution to new emerging issues like surplus disposal and price volatility.
Any Member Nation of the United Nations or any of its specialized agencies that is not a Member of the CCP may attend a session as an observer. The CCP may also invite other interested organizations to participate as observers in meetings or to discuss specific topics.