Markets and Trade

Advances in information and communication technologies are fundamentally transforming food systems, including the ways in which agricultural trade is organized. This transformation can affect the competitiveness of different actors within value chains and presents an evolving need for analysis and technical assistance. At the same time, in developing countries there is a great need to improve capacities to meet international standards for food safety and plant and animal health so that producers can gain better access to global markets. FAO supports its Members through evidence-building on emerging issues and provides technical assistance in response to demands relating to food safety and trade facilitation, trade digitalization, and innovation, among others.
Key messages


Non-tariff measures, particularly procedural bottlenecks in the application of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) and technical barriers to trade (TBT) measures, present significant obstacles to trade.


New technologies that present advantages in food production, processing, handling, distribution and trade continue to be developed, but significant challenges to their widespread adoption in developing countries remain.



FAO supports regional and national institutions to better prepare for technological and regulatory changes, to promote the effective participation of countries in the global trading system and to ensure better market access for small- and medium-scale value chain actors, including women, youth, and vulnerable groups. 

This policy brief provides an overview of how digital technologies can help facilitate access to trade finance for market participants, in particular micro, small and medium sized enterprises, by addressing numerous challenges in traditional trade finance.


This brief provides an overview of the potential of distributed ledger technologies to facilitate transactions in agricultural supply chains through enhanced traceability, efficiency, transparency and accountability.