Markets and Trade


Emerging trends, challenges and opportunities

FAO undertakes in-depth analyses of multidisciplinary issues related to agricultural markets and trade and provides guidance for responsible value chains. Issues addressed include: 

  • interactions between climate change and trade; 

  • interlinkages between agriculture and migration; and 

  • promotion of responsible business conduct and due diligence in global value chains. 

The objectives are to identify emerging trends and challenges and to propose policy options that help promote how functioning global markets and value chains can eradicate hunger and reduce poverty. The publications developed under this work area present state-of-the-art analysis to inform all key stakeholders in and beyond the agricultural sector. 


The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets

The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets presents commodity market issues in an objective and accessible way to policy-makers, commodity market observers and stakeholders interested in agricultural commodity market developments and their impacts on countries at different levels of economic development.


Agricultural markets, supply chains and sustainable development

Agricultural markets are at the heart of the development process. Well‐functioning markets, supply chains and trade enable the optimal allocation of resources, diffuse knowledge and technologies, and link agriculture with other sectors of the economy. Agricultural commodity and input supply chains are a complex network connecting production systems with consumers, and the continuity of their functioning is indispensable to local and global food security.  

Responsible global value chains for agricultural products

FAO promotes responsible business conduct in agriculture and works alongside companies, investors, governments and non-profit stakeholders to address sustainable development through business impacts to global value chains. FAO supports the uptake of the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains.  


Global engagement (G20 and G7)

FAO supports the deliberations of the Group of Twenty (G20) and the Group of Seven (G7) with evidence-based policy advice, technical inputs, thematic reports and proposals for concrete actions that lead to the provision of global public goods in the area of food security and sustainable agriculture. 



Latest news
Rome - The benchmark for world food commodity prices declined in December compared to the previous month, led down by a drop in international sugar quotations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported Friday.
Rome – The benchmark for world food commodity prices rose in November to its highest level since April 2023, increasing by 0.5 percent from October, driven by surging international vegetable oil quotations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported Friday.