How can the tropical fruit sector contribute to climate action?
Climate change and its impacts pose significant risks for the long-term viability of tropical fruit production and trade. At the same time, production and trade of tropical fruits can contribute to climate change through the misuse of natural resources and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As such, industry actors play a key role to improve the tropical fruit sector's capacity to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects.
How can the tropical fruit sector adapt to climate change?
The tropical fruit sector can adapt to climate change by improving the management of natural resources, accessing up-to-date climate forecasts and information, using sustainable technologies, and fostering collaboration. To support this, the Responsible Fruits Project has developed comprehensive guides tailored for the avocado and pineapple sectors. Each guide identifies the main climate risks facing industries and shares good practices that may help to address such risks, while building the resilience of production systems. These guides were developed in close consultation with participating companies and producer associations from both sectors.
How can the tropical fruit sector contribute to mitigating the drivers of climate change?
By measuring and reducing GHG emissions, companies in the tropical fruit chains can become more efficient, reduce costs, enhance the resilience of their operations, and mitigate climate change.
At the same time, water-related challenges are compounded by climate change. Quantifying water use and pollution are fundamental steps to reduce negative impacts on water and ensure its quantity, quality and continuity for a company and the people and environment that share the resource.
Recognizing these challenges, the Responsible Fruits Project has developed the technical guide:
Latest publications
Publication series
Resilience gaps and opportunities for the avocado industry
Strengthening the resilience of avocado value chains is increasingly important as the sector faces multifaceted risks, including climate change, pests and diseases, and economic downturns, among others. By building resilience, avocado companies and associations can ensure the continuity of their operations and businesses.
Ripe for change: adapting pineapple production to a changing climate
To better understand current and future climate risks and their impact on pineapple production and trade, as well as how to prepare for, and deal with these risks, the Responsible Fruits Project, working in partnership with key players in the pineapple sector, produced a technical guide on climate change adaptation. The guide was designed for producers and exporters of pineapple and avocado who are interested in learning more about climate change in the context of their own production systems.
Other resources on climate change and tropical fruits
Focus areas
- Gap analysis to support due diligence in the avocado and pineapple sectors
- Responsible business conduct: minimizing social and environmental impacts in the tropical fruit sector
- Building more resilient avocado and pineapple value chains
Related links
- World Banana Forum
- FAO Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) in Agriculture
- OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains
- Major Tropical Fruits
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